As the Internet now can expose the TRUTH instantly,no more 'cover-ups,Lies and deceit.
The Globe is now a more transparent place,Truely a Global Villiage,a digital democracy.
The 'power is being given back to the people' by default, the 'collective consciousness' Lives.
No longer can the Governments,Big business and others 'brainwash' the public into blind submission.
However, there are 3 Personality types 'out there' Collectively, Sheep,Shephards and Shearers,
Which one are You ? Who is really controlling YOU? Who is really calling the shots ? Have YOU a Choice ?
Harry Dent predicts the BUBBLE will BURST First quarter 2014 April to May
Famous Finincial Authority Harry Dent predicts the BUBBLE WILL BURST April to May 2014.all his financial charts and graphs are lining up in a unprecedented way ! Graham Healy