Healy's No More Bull-S
As the Internet now can expose the TRUTH instantly,no more 'cover-ups,Lies and deceit.
The Globe is now a more transparent place,Truely a Global Villiage,a digital democracy.
The 'power is being given back to the people' by default, the 'collective consciousness' Lives.
No longer can the Governments,Big business and others 'brainwash' the public into blind submission.
However, there are 3 Personality types 'out there' Collectively, Sheep,Shephards and Shearers,
Which one are You ? Who is really controlling YOU? Who is really calling the shots ? Have YOU a Choice ?

CONFUSED is the only term for Malcom Turn the B.S. and Crew ? pathetic !
Graham Healy

what do you say Current Mob ?
Graham Healy
some of my favourite Creations Repeated and some New

REVELATION ! SUPRISE ! SURPRISE! Malcolm Turn-the-B.S. and Crew have now WORKED IT OUT ......THE BIG END OF TOWN DOESN'T PAY TAX ! TA DAR! now let me think ...ummmm errr ...durrr.......now we tried to to steal the Pensioners Super,Stop Unemployment payments for 6 months, and Bully the Disabled and supporting Charities (after all those miserable people CAN'T FIGHT BACK CAN THEY?) ITS TIME TO DRAG THESE INCOMPETENT PARASITES OUT OF THEIR IVORY TOWERS AND INTO THE REAL WORLD . 2016 STOP RESET

Time line of Joe 'fat cat" Hockey

Lord ho long do we put up with these Bludgers ?

Terrorists now Nuclear

Obam's Deal with IRAN

Joe Hockey Solution to Greece China Crisis.

Fat Fool Hockey ...How Long do we suffer Him ?

David Pope Cartoons (refer his facebook) Please LIKE David Pope FB he is BRILLIANT GH (love his work man after my own heart)

Global Recession Pending 2015 Australian Fed Gov Brain Dead

Get Rid of the Fed They're Brain Dead

Walking the "Green Mile' Budget 2015

2015 Budget Forecast Hockey

Keeping your Mind off the Real Issues

What do you say Billy Shorten "smart as a Whip" ? NOT!

No more then Moni Pythons Flying Circus 1)Get Rid of the Fed Gov 2)Empower the senate + state/Local Gov 3)10% Flat Tax (including i-phone and the like)